07828 144258
07498 206566
Hydrocarbons/ Flammables
Course Details
This is course can run over one or two days, depending on learners experience, which can be an alternative to a refrigerant course. It offers candidates the ability to reduce the CO2 equivalent to regular F-Gas products currently in use. A current F-Gas certificate is required to attend this training and assessment. All equipment will be provided. This course is in accordance with ACRIB Specification (A2L, A2 and A3) and is a CPD course for engineers working in the Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and heat
Pump (RACHP) sectors with flammable gases.
The safe use of “Oxy-Fuel” brazing equipment used for the installation, replacement
or de-commissioning of RACHP equipment and components qualification is
designed to meet the needs of the practicing engineer.
Course Duration
This is a 1 - 2 day course. The course will run from 08:45AM- 4:30PM.
Pre Requisites
F-Gas certification gained within the last 5 years.